Orthodontics is the branch of specialized dentistry that prevents, diagnoses and treats dental and facial irregularities.
Orthodontic misalignments, can indicate a number of different conditions. Inherited malocclusions include jaw growth problems, congenitally missing teeth, extra teeth, crowded or protruded teeth and spacing problems.
Correcting orthodontic problems is not just about cosmetics and improving self-confidence; there are very important dental health reasons as well. Malocclusions can cause difficulty in chewing and speaking, additionally teeth that are crooked or overlapping are difficult to clean, which can put you at risk for tooth decay and gum disease.
The discipline has advanced over decades and today treatment is a lot faster and more comfortable than it was in the past.
Invisalign straightens teeth using a series of nearly invisible, removable aligners that are custom-made specifically for your teeth. As you replace each aligner every 1-2 weeks, your teeth will move – little by little, week by week, gradually moving towards the projected final position. Comfortable, clear and removable – Invisalign transforms your smile without disrupting your life. Something that over 2.5 million people worldwide have already discovered.
A smile is more than just straight teeth. With the Damon System, you'll have a healthy, beaming smile in less time and with greater comfort than conventional braces.
Unlike conventional braces, the Damon System uses gentle forces designed to protect the health of your teeth and gums while in treatment. The Damon System achieves a smile that is more than straight teeth—it provides a beautiful, natural smile.
Studies have shown that a fuller smile, with a wider arch, is more attractive. Having the teeth upright and aligned into a smile "arc" can also add to a smile's appeal. We call this a Damon Smile.
All Damon Braces use modern technology which eliminates the need for elastic ties. Instead, an innovative clip system does the trick creating high-quality results that require fewer extractions or expanders in most cases. It has several advantages over conventional braces.
Self-ligating brackets are also gentler on teeth and the tissues supporting them, meaning treatment with Damon braces is both faster and more comfortable than traditional braces.
Are you looking for something discrete, but not wanting a commitment such as wearing clear aligners? Ceramic braces are made for you!
Ceramic braces are almost identical to traditional metal braces, but with one critical difference: the brackets are made from clear or tooth-coloured ceramic.
They have a translucent crystal clear appearance which does not stain or discolour.
It is important to take action early if your child's bite is not right. Early intervention is often in a child's best interests. If planned and implemented at the right time, this modern approach to dentistry can reduce or prevent the need for braces when kids are older.
According to the American Academy of Orthodontics, all children should be brought to the dentist for proper orthodontic assessment by age 7 when the first set of permanent molars had erupted.
Treating children at much earlier ages, say between 7 to 11 years, will take advantage of the child's continuing growth.
Recent studies have shown that malocclusions left untreated can result in problems as we age. Crowded teeth are much more difficult to brush and floss which may contribute to tooth decay and gum disease. Protruding teeth are more susceptible to accidental chipping. Crossbites can result in unfavourable growth and uneven tooth wear. Open bites can result in tongue-thrusting habits and speech impediments.
Contact us to have your kids' teeth checked and to ensure a proper tooth and bone growth.